What to Do If You Have Ignition Cylinder Problems
To determine whether or not your vehicle’s problems are associated with your ignition cylinder, troubleshoot according to the points listed in this article. If one of the scenarios listed below describe what you’re experiencing with your vehicle, it could very well be a problem with your ignition cylinder. Only an experienced professional will be able to let you know for sure. Since your ignition cylinder is just a part that fits into your steering column, ignition cylinder replacement is a fairly easy and painless process.
In this scenario, you slide your key into the lock like you do any time you enter your vehicle, but the key won’t turn and gets stuck in the lock. This can leave you effectively stranded, even if you have a spare key, unless you can wiggle the key free. This problem usually is caused by the key getting damaged or worn out over time, and no longer correctly fitting the ignition lock’s pin system. You may notice more and more difficulty with turning your key or removing it from the lock over time before it gets to the point where your key is completely stuck.
This issue can also be caused by your steering wheel, which locks your key into place depending on the settings that it has as a security measure. Ensure that the key is turned all the way to the off position before attempting to remove it again. If you find that your key is sticking frequently, even if you can’t get it out, you may want to consider having the lock checked by a professional.
If your key is still stuck, try gently freeing it by wiggling it back and forth. Never try to force your key out of the ignition cylinder, as this can cause damage to the cylinder itself, and even break the key off in the lock. Instead, call a locksmith for advice on what to do next.
The Key Gets Lost
While not a problem with your ignition cylinder per se, it is related to the system. Your ignition cylinder key is not like just any key. A replacement will need to be specifically coded to match your ignition cylinder’s specific code. All of us have lost our keys at one time or another, but usually we’re lucky enough to find them. Sometimes, your luck runs out and your key gets lost or even stolen. If you don’t have a spare, you’ll need to contact a locksmith to duplicate and encode a key to use your vehicle again. If this is an emergency situation, most locksmith companies offer 24/7 assistance to your location.
The Key Won’t Fit
One possible problem that can affect your ignition cylinder is if you try to put your key into the lock and it doesn’t seem to fit. You turn your key this way and that, but it just won’t go in like it’s supposed to. This problem can potentially be caused by something clogged the ignition lock. Using a flashlight, inspect to see whether there is an obstruction inside the lock and use a thin long implement to remove it, if so. Sometimes this problem can be an indicator that your key or the lock itself have been damaged in some way. You can inspect your key to see if the teeth are worn or lock bent. If you suspect there’s a problem with either the key or the ignition cylinder, it’s time to call a professional locksmith for assistance.
The Engine Stalls Unexpectedly
You’re driving along, thinking about your to-do list for the day. You stop at a red light, and suddenly your engine stalls. This is a common and frustrating issue that can have many different potential causes, some of them with the engine, and some as simple as a problem with your ignition cylinder. Your vehicle stalling can have devastating consequences if it occurs at the wrong time. If your engine has stalled more than once and you’re not sure of the cause, contact a locksmith to discuss the situation. They may be able to determine whether the issue is caused by a faulty ignition cylinder.
The Engine Won’t Fire
A problem with the wiring system, where the ignition cylinder is routed to the ignition system itself, can cause your engine to refuse to fire. If the signal can’t travel from the cylinder to your engine, the vehicle won’t be able to turn on. This problem is more common in older vehicles that have a lot of miles on them, as the system naturally begins to break down from wear and tear. There’s also a chance that there’s a problem with the programming of your key, causing it to lose its connection to your car. This will require that your key be reprogrammed with the right code by a professional.
If you think your vehicle is experiencing trouble relating to the ignition cylinder, or anything else involving its lock system, contact a professional locksmith for advice and assistance. A locksmith can provide you with low-cost, fast ignition cylinder repair or replacement that comes right to you. Ignition cylinder replacement can cause you a headache, but in the hands of a professional, it can be one of the easier automotive services to have performed on your vehicle.